Adobe Lightroom Trial 30 Days

Dear Adobe,
We are a small family photography company looking for better editing software. Although lightroom came recommended we are dissatisfied with your customer service. We downloaded the free trial but did not have time to adequately overview the product. Now we have some time off with the thanksgiving holiday and thought we could truly give lightroom a chance however the trial has expired. We called Adobe support and after 18 minutes on hold a person finally answered. She flat out said there was no way to extend or grant another trial. We asked if it was common to refuse a customer request this simple and she then offered to transfer me to another area whose expertise was lightroom. The lightroom 'professional' also flat out refused to grant any type of trial and stated we feel the trial is sufficient to survey the product but if we purchased the downloaded version of lightroom we could get a refund before 30 days if we wanted to return the product. Unfortunately I didn't get his name but was either Paul or Bill and did sound American. This person was not at all what I would expect from a co of Adobe's stature, unfriendly & almost hostel when I asked him for a trial extension. It seems wrong for a co to refuse to let a customer test a product of this cost and offer to return if you don't like it rather than simply grant a longer trial.
After all this I am highly disappointed in Adobe; we were looking forward to a new product to help our small business. Without adequately testing a product we are not going to invest hundreds in a product. In addition this product will most likely not have the support needed with a total of 33 minutes on the phone with Adobe and refusal to grant a trial extension I am disappointed. All we wanted was an opportunity to test your product before buying.
So my question is; will lightroom disappoint too or is it worth the hassle?

Express scribe software. VIEW LIGHTROOM FREE TRIAL CONDITIONS. Can students expect a discount after using a free trial? Yes, all students, teachers and involved in teaching activities have the right to receive a discount for any Creative Cloud production. This discount is up to 60%. Is Lightroom Trial the full version of the program?

Lightroom Free Trial

Free access for 30 days to all our creative desktop apps, including Photoshop, Illustrator, InDesign, Lightroom, Premiere Pro, and more, plus all-new mobile apps. I downloaded a 30 day trial of lightroom 5 from adobe, it expired whist I was on hol'. On my return i purchased a full version (download) via Amazon. My development and map modules now say they are disabled and that i need to reactivate my membership (which i have no interest in doing - I thought, a. Direct links for both the Adobe Muse 30-day trial plus the completely FREE, full Adobe Edge Animate 1.5 are offered as well (to install Edge Animate, see these tips). Special: Legally download dozens of free Adobe books for a limited time! In the italian site there is no need of credit card to try the photoshop seven day trial. However you could try to download the creative cloud trial, and then install photoshop only. Download and install a Creative Cloud trial. It is Possible Adobe Photoshop Does not Ask about Credit Card for 7 Days Free Trial. Chia se driver booster 4.2 serial key online. Download creative cloud.