Driver Viamichelin X 950 Xpo


Via Michelin X-930 GPSNavigation Unit

Small and compact, but disappointinglyunderfeatured

The Via Michelin X-930is small and compact, but note the wasteful use of screenspace, leaving very little room for the actual map itself.

Partof our series on GPS - additional articles to bepublished in coming weeks.

  1. Driver Viamichelin X 950 Xpo Price
  2. Driver Viamichelin X 950 Xpo Tracking
  3. Driver Viamichelin X 950 Xpo Route
  4. Driver Viamichelin X 950 Xpo Mobile

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The Via Michelin X-930 GPS receiverpromises to be an appealing unit at a great price. But,this promise is massively broken. The unit suffers fromirrational and inexplicable limitations and problems. Itis difficult to understand and use, and not nearly as flexibleas other units.

Accordingly, this unit is aposter child example of how a unit can look great on paper (andget good generic reviews from reviewers who apparently have donenothing other than read the press release) but which iscompletely unsuitable for normal people and normal uses.

Not recommended. Ifyou're looking for a small size low price unit, choose thevastly superior GlobalSat GV-370instead.

Via Michelin X-930 Overview

Michelin are best known fortheir travel guides, books that enjoy a very high qualityreputation. They moved into offering GPS receivers inEurope a couple of years ago and are now expanding into theNorth American market.

Driver Viamichelin X 950 Xpo Price

The X-930 went on sale inthe US in December 2006. It has already been superseded inEurope by first the X-950 and subsequently the big screen X-980, but these newer unitsare not yet (March 2007)available in the US.

At first blush, the X-930has a lot going for it. It comes from a respectedsupplier; it is small and lightweight, and has an acceptablylarge 3.5' screen. Best of all, its list price of $299 hasbeen discounted to $199 by Amazon, making it - in terms of price- one of the very best value units currently being sold.

But this unit is a classicexample of how a unit that looks good on paper massivelydisappoints in real world testing. Its user interface isobtuse and difficult to follow, and much of the screen is wastedwith unnecessary and overly large data.

Programming is difficult,and unlike many competing units, simply using it to show you where you are is not a defaultaction, but instead requires you to work through five layers ofnon-intuitive menus.

Driver Viamichelin X 950 Xpo Tracking

The design of the maps isalso poor, with roads at certain scales being shown as thinorange lines against a lighter orange background. Thismakes them almost completely invisible!

And, talking about scale,you have no way of knowing what scale the map is being displayedat. Does an inch on the screen represent 100 feet or 100miles? Regrettably, we're not told that importantinformation.

There are plenty of otherquirks and failings, too. For example, we can't get theunit to show our direction, in a straight line along a road, asa straight vertical line on the screen (as is uniformly the casewith every other unit we've ever seen). Instead, it isdisplayed as a slanting line from the bottom left part of thescreen to the top right part of the screen. When we calledand asked Via Michelin's help desk about this, they variouslydidn't know what we meant, couldn't explain why the path wasoriented that way, and were unable to fix the problem.

Using the Unit

The unit turns on and offinstantly which is nice, and doesn't treat you to any warningscreens about using the unit carefully when driving, which iseven nicer still.

The unit had goodsensitivity to satellite signals, even inside the vehicle withno external antenna, with at times as many as ten satellitesbeing locked on. But it sometimes took five minutes ormore to get a 'lock' on sufficient satellites as to know whereit was and be able to start helping you with directions - thisis way too long; imagine having to wait five minutes or longerbefore being able to start your journey. This is longerthan other units, but might be reducedif you added an external antenna.

The screen is crisp andclear, but as soon as we confronted the main screen we foundourselves reaching for the manual. The three optionsoffered - 'Navigate to', 'Plan your journey' and 'Settings' wereconfusing when all we wanted to do was display the map and seewhere we currently were.

To get the unit to do thisbasic function, we had to follow this complicated sequence :

1. Choose 'Planyour journey'
2. Choose 'Display a Map'
3. Choose 'Map Options'
4. Choose 'Center Map'
5. Choose 'on GPS position'

This is completelycounter-intuitive. The difficulty in mastering the unit iscompounded by having sometimes strange symbols rather than nameson the buttons on the front of it. All in all, we couldnever adequately understand how to get the best use out of theunit. Sure, we could have committed ourselves to anintensive course of study and practice, but that would not helpus if we then didn't touch the unit for three months, becausewe'd for sure forget everything about the unit in the meantimeand have to relearn everything once more.

This poorly designedinterface is aggravated further by Via Michelin's penny pinchingdecision not to include a manual with the unit. You haveto go online and download a copy from their website instead.

In terms of actually usingthe unit, it suffers from significant drawbacks in that area,too. As the picture at the top of this page shows, abouthalf the screen is used for various informational displays,leaving only a slim narrow band in the middle for the map. This is regrettable for two reasons - firstly it is a shame towaste so much valuable screen on this information, and secondly,when you're using the unit, most of the time you're interestedin what is ahead of you, rather than what is on either side ofyou. If Via Michelin really did need to use parts of thescreen for the other information, it should do this on thesides, not on the top and bottom.

And for a really illogicalarrangement, if you have the unit simply showing where you areon a map, the map is fixed in a north up direction - most of thetime you'd want it to be in a 'direction of travel up' directioninstead, but when you have the unit set to direct you somewhere,it switches into the direction of travel up mode. Unlikemost other units, it is impossible for you to change directionalmodes yourself.

Most people use their GPS inwhat I'd call 'active' or 'passive' modes. In active mode,they have programmed in a destination and are using the GPS toguide them to that destination. In passive mode, they arejust using it as a moving map to see where they are. Thisunit works acceptably (but not excellently) in active mode, butin passive mode it is very disappointing, showing littleinformation on the screen.

In active mode, the unit wassometimes struggling to give us turn information ahead of whenthe turn appeared on the map, and unlike many units, it didn'tclearly highlight exactly where and how to make turns.

There are problems andpoorly thought out issues with many different parts of thisunit's operation. One other thing we really disliked wasthe lack of a scale on the map. We had no way of knowingif the scale as zoomed in or out, and by how much.

Recalculating directions wasautomatic, and moderately fast, but not as quick as some unitswe've used.

For some strange reason, theunit decides that you've reached your destination way before youhave. Sometimes I could be five miles away from thedestination and the unit switches from turn by turn guidance totriumphantly telling me I've arrived. Wrong.

Driver Viamichelin X 950 Xpo Route

The Bottom Line

Driver Viamichelin X 950 Xpo Mobile

Much as we wanted to likethis unit, we feel it to be a frustrating waste of money with noredeeming features.

You're much better advised to buy a unit with a moreuser-friendly interface and better laid out map and screengraphics.

Feature Analysis




ViaMichelin X-930


$299list, $199 at Amazon


TestedMarch 2007.

Version 5.0.0-AMN - Build 36 software in thetest unit


One year


ViaEmail or (800) number 9am-7pm M-F EST.

Two test calls to phone support revealedshort hold times, with one unskilled and onevery helpful supportperson.


The unitcomes complete with most things you'd need :

The unit itself
Windshield mounting bracket
Dash mounting adapter
Mains power adapter
Car power adapter
USB cable to connect to a computer
1GB SD card with US map preloaded
DVDrom with US and Canada map data
QuickStart guide in English and French

The unit does not have any type of carrycase and neither does it come with anexternal antenna.

Runs outof the box

Yes, allyou need to do is insert the SD card, turnit on, answer four or five easyconfiguration questions, and the unit isthen immediately ready for use.

Warning- the unit might be ready for use, butyou'll need to spend some considerable timelearning its quirks before you caneffectively use it!


Unitmeasures 2.8' x 4.7' x 0.7'.

The mounting adapter is a large ungainly andheavy device.


unit byitself = 5.0 oz

unit, mounting device, power cable = 15 oz.


A ratherungainly looking mounting bracket can beaffixed to the windshield with a very strongsuction cup or to to dashboard with anadhesive mounting plate.



2.25' x 2.85' = 3:4 aspect ratio


240 x320 pixels

106 pixels/inch vertically

112 pixels/inch horizontally



Fair. Screen is reasonably bright, but colors arepoorly chosen (eg bright orange streets on apale orange background).


Yes,multiple levels offered.

Day/Night Mode

Manualswitching between day and night modes, whichincludes an automatic dimming/brightening ofthe screen. Sam cooke born by the river free mp3 download.

Colors change as part of the mode change.


The unithas two volume buttons on the left, four'main menu' type buttons on the right, anon/off switch on the top, and a SD card lockswitch, also on the top, which prevents theunit from writing data to the SD card.

Interactive help files available


Limitedfunctionality when moving


Graphicsprocessor speed




Maxnumber of satellites simultaneously tracked /radius-client-for-mac.html.




Deadreckoning capability


Satellite display

Yes, but it only shows the satellites on abar chart, with each bar color and lengthrepresenting if the unit is locked onto thatsatellite and the strength of the signalbeing received.



Can theunit show you your current latitude andlongitude and compass heading

Yes, onthe satellite signal screen

Can theunit show you your current altitude


Can theunit show you the exact time

No - itcan show you the time, but it doesn't seemto synchronize its internal clock with thesatellite time.

Externalantenna capability

Yes, hasa MMCX connector for an external antenna,but Via Michelin don't sell externalantennas and didn't know if the unitrequires a powered or passive antenna.

CPUprocessor speed

312MHzprocessor with 32MB of RAM. This isonly moderately fast compared to otherunits.

TripComputer functions

No. It can be set to display instantaneous speedin some display modes, but no otherinformation is available.


Internallithium polymer.


Said tobe good for 3 - 5 hours between charges,depending on screen brightness.


Yes, ithas a mini USB port on the bottom of theunit, which in theory allows it to be charged via anyexternal USB type charger, or to be poweredwhile working.

But, theory and reality yet again collide. Bizarrely, the unit will only recharge whenyou're using its own supplied power supply. Yet another power supply to carry with youon your travels.

Via Michelin could not explain why the unitwouldn't recharge via any other usual USBpower source, and this is probably thestupidest of the - alas, too many - stupidfeatures on this disappointing unit.

AutoPower On/Off

No autoon/off, but will switch off if no movementfor an extended period of time.




Countries provided

US &Canada - US on SD card, Canada on DVD romthat needs to be copied to a SD card beforeit can be used.

Updatepolicy, frequency and cost

Promiseannual updates, with the first due in latefall/early winter 2007.

Pricing not set but will be discounted topeople who register their units.

Othercountries also available

Currently none; but have plans to add Europein the future

How ismap data loaded into the GPS receiver

Master information is on a DVD-rom disk,information is loaded into the receiver viaan SD card.

Can theentire US be loaded into the unit

The unit holds all of the US but not Canada.



SpeaksStreet Names


Languages spoken

English (American female), French, Spanish,German, Italian



Can youchoose between North up or Direction ofTravel up


Bizarrely, this unit doesn't have adirection of travel up orientation; instead,direction of travel is on a slant from aboutbottom left up to about top right.

This is crazy and confusing.

Splitscreen mode

No (andscreen too small to allow this, anyway).

Mapscale shown


Numberof POIs provided

morethan 1.5 million ViaMichelin qualifiedPoints of Interest that allow users toeasily find restaurants, lodging, gasstations, banks/ATMs and other businessesand services.

Numberof user POIs that can be added


POIinformation includes phone number

Yes forpre-programmed POIs, apparently no for usercreated POIs.

POIproximity alert

Bizarrely, this is available when navigatingon a route, but not possible when simplydriving without a programmed destination.

Speedlimit warner

Yes, andwarns you based on speeds you set for sixdifferent types of road you are on. This is only moderately helpful, because, eg,a city street might have a 25 mph limit inone section and 35 mph in another.

Does itshow both miles and kilometers


Route Planning

How toenter addresses and other data

ABСВtable layout

Can youbuild a multi-stop journey with waypoints


Will itsolve the 'traveling salesman' puzzle


Can youprogram assumed speeds for different roadtypes, and if so, how many different roadtypes?

Yes, butonly in 5mph increments.

Has six different types of roads.

Can youchoose different settings for differenttypes of vehicles

Yes, two- car and cycle.

Can youprogram preferences for road/route types


Does theunit present you with multiple route choicesto choose from


Can youchoose between fastest/quickest and shortestroute options

Yes -choose from quickest or shortest, but you'renot given any information about thedistances or times involved.

Will itshow breadcrumb trails?


Extra Features



Exportdata to laptop


Can itplay MP3 or other digital audio


Can itdisplay MP4 or other digital video


Can itdisplay pictures


Integrated with real time traffic reporting


Integrated with other location services


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Originally published30 March 2007, last update21 Jul 2020

You may freely reproduce or distribute this article for noncommercial purposes as long as you give credit to me as original writer.