How To Change Metronome Tempo In Garageband Mac


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Changing the tempo in Garageband is as easy walking and chewing bubble gum.

Let’s do like DeFranco and just jump right into it.

How To Change The Tempo in Garageband – (The Easy Way)

1) To change the tempo in Garageband, click on the “Tempo” number in the top-center of the DAW along where it also lists the bars in each measure, as well as the Key Signature.

2) Then just double-click on the actual number, and type in the desired tempo.

Now, using this tool is helpful in a number of different ways, but for the moment, we’ll talk about another handy feature recently introduced into the Garageband user’s arsenal.

I believe in 2014 (although I could be wrong), Apple released the new tempo system where you can introduce different tempos at different times of the song.

That’s right, you can actually play a song at separate tempos in corresponding regions of your music.

In fact, you can change the tempo of your track as many times as you’d like. It doesn’t all have to be the same pace.

How To Change Only A Portion Of A Song’s Beats Per Minute

First things first.

1) Head into the Garageband settings where it says, “Track.”

2) Select, “Show Tempo Track” (or use the ‘Shift + Command + T’ shortcut)

3) Now, you’ll see that Garageband has shown the tempo track where you can adjust at which point precisely, the tempo will change.

4) Similar to the volume automation function, create automation dots wherever you want to begin.

5) Create one dot where you want the automation to begin. Click the other dot where you want the automation to end.

6) Now, drag and drop the line created to your desired tempo, and you can turn off the ‘Tempo Track.’

It functions a little bit different than the yellow Automation lines, but it still works perfectly, nonetheless.

*Unfortunately, you can’t adjust the tempo by decimal places in the same way that you can with volume automation. Although, minuscule changes in tempo aren’t particularly useful anyway.

Tips and Tricks Involving Tempo Changes

Garageband Change Tempo Without

The ‘Enable Flex’ button.

This button down below in the smart controls allows one to do a couple of different things.

1)To bring up the ‘Enable Flex’ option, double-click on your ‘MIDI Region’ within the DAW’s ‘Workspace.’

2) Then, click on the option, ‘Track,’ rather than ‘Region,’ and you’ll see right away three different options, ‘Pitch Correction,’ ‘Limit to Key,’ and ‘Enable Flex.’

The Enable Flex’ function is useful for changing the tempo and key signature of an uploaded sample – or un-checking the box in case of the opposite, which we’ll explore right now.

How To Change The BPM of an Audio Recording

Firstly, you can change the BPM of an audio recording by hitting the “Enable Flex,” and then adjusting the BPM at the top centre of the DAW.

1) Click “Track” down in your smart controls.

2) Check the box “Enable Flex.”

3) Change the BPM at the top-center of the DAW.

You’ll notice that it’ll actually change the BPM of the audio recording now, rather than just adjusting the track’s position in the Workspace according to each beat and time signature.

*It’s worth noting that if you don’t want to change the audio recording at all, and just want to re-arrange the way in which the recording falls in time for the sake of synchronization, just don’t hit the ‘Enable Flex’ button. But we’ll explore that in the next section below.

How To Change The Song’s BPM Without Changing The Audio


From what I understand, it’s not actually possible to do this in Garageband without jumping through significant hoops. However, there is a way of doing it in a way that takes a bit of time.

You can’t adjust the beats-per-minute without changing the way the audio sounds in the DAW, unless, it’s an audio recording, rather than a MIDI file. However, through the use of Apple Loops, one can actually do this.

If you adjust the beats-per-minute then pretty much every sound in GarageBand will change unless you’ve used loops.

Let’s say, for example, you’ve just uploaded an Apple Loop in your Workspace.

If you want to adjust the tempo of your music, without touching the tempo of the Loop, it’s as simple as changing one of the settings in the Smart Controls.

Down in the Smart Controls, in the ‘Region’ section, there is a button that says, “Follow Tempo and Pitch.” If you haven’t checked the box, the Loop won’t change in accordance with Tempo and Key Signature adjustments

For a step-by-step process:

1)Highlight the Track and Go into the Smart Controls.

2) Click on ‘Region.’

3) Uncheck the box, “Follow Tempo and Pitch.”

This should allow you to change the rest of the song, without messing with the tempo and pitch of the Loop. Unfortunately, however, we can’t use this feature for MIDI or audio recordings.

How To Change The Tempo Of Just One Track

Due to the limitations of GarageBand as a software, there are some things we cannot do, but on the other hand, many we can. With that said, it’s still a great program for a beginner or intermediate music producers and musicians.

Fortunately, through trial-and-error, there are ways of making things possible with a little bit of innovation and initiative.

While it’s technically “not possible” to change the tempo of just one track region in GarageBand, it actually is if we create Apple Loops.

It takes a little bit of work to make this happen, but it is possible. Basically, what you want to do is upload a MIDI region into Apple Loops, save it as a “One Shot” loop, rather than a “Loop.”

And once the Loop has been added to the Loop Library , you can add it to an Audio Track Region in your DAW without worrying about pitch or key signature adjustments.

Without further ado, here is the step-by-step process:

1) Highlight the track of which you want to change tempo.

2) Now click “File” in Garageband’s Toolbar.

3) Click the button, “Add Region to Loop Library,” or, you can use the Keyboard Shortcut, “Control + Shift + o” (the lower-case letter not the number).”

4) It’ll bring up the options for adding loops to the library, and you want to click on the check-box that says, “One-Shot.” So now you’ve created your loop.

5) Make a new “Audio” track as you normally would: (I use the Shift + Command + A option because it’s a lot faster).

Microsoft office 2019 professional mac. 6) Go into your Loop Library now by clicking on the “Loop” icon that looks like a hose on. the top-right-hand side of the DAW.

7) Find the loop you just created.

8) Now, drag and drop the loop into the Audio Track that you just created. *It’s important to note that you have to drag and drop the Loop into an Audio Track Region rather than a MIDI one.

9) And voila! Now you have a region of music in your DAW that won’t change whenever you adjust the tempo (beats-per-minute) or the key signature.

How To Change The Tempo By Just One Decimal Point

This is quite straightforward, but it’s a feature that not a lot of people are aware of. GarageBand users can actually adjust the tempo of the music by decimal points, rather than just whole numbers.

It’s intuitive. Just type in the number including the decimal places you want where you normally would in the BPM/Tempo part of the DAW.

How To Identify The Tempo Of A Song

As I’ve written in another article under the section, “Important things to Note When Chopping Music” (link here),identifying the tempo of a song can be challenging as a beginner, but after a few tries, you should be able to figure it out.

Every person, or most of them anyway, has the ability to find the beat of music naturally.

For instance, when a person nods their head to the beat or dances to the music, one has to have a natural feel for the tempo and beats-per-minute to do so.

There are a number of different ways of determining the tempo, but for the sake of brevity, I’ll outline how I do it.

Essentially, what I do is I tap my finger on the desk along to the beat of the track, and then I begin typing in the number that I feel is the closest to the Tempo, then I turn on the metronome in GarageBand and make sure that it matches the music.

Usually, it takes more than one try, but I’ll continue typing numbers until it has matched completely.

How To Change Metronome Tempo In Garageband Mac Pro

If you don’t already own a metronome, I highly recommend getting one. They’re great for practicing as well as recording.

Even though Garageband comes with one built in, an authentic wooden metronome is a lot better to use. You can read about the one I recommend here. Check out my recommended gear page, as well, for more products.

As I’ve written before in the article linked above, you can tell that the song/sample/track is perfectly in time based on how the region lines up in the DAW.

In the image above, you can see that the sample doesn’t line. up perfectly because the tempo hasn’t been set correctly. *It’s important to note, however, that this won’t work if you have the option, “Follow Tempo and Pitch,” turned on.

As you can see, the tempo is set at 90 beats per minute, the correct BPM, so the sample lines up perfectly in the DAW.

What Is The Best Tempo For GarageBand

For obvious reasons, this is a question whose answer depends almost entirely on what kind of person you are and the style of music you’re into.

Because I’ve been making a lot of hip-hop/jazz/rock style tracks lately, I usually create songs between 90 and 120 beats per minute.

Some people choose 150 beats-per-minute. For reference, I’ve included a chart below to illustrate each BPM setting.

You’ll notice that the terminology is in Italian, which is normal for standard musical notation due to its origins in Italy and Germany.

Largo (super slow) – 40 – 60 BPM.

Larghetto (still extremely slow but not as much) – 60 – 66 BPM.

Adagio (slow but slowly speeding up) 66 – 76 BPM

Andante (Moderate speed. This area is starting to get more normal for music, and it’s usually the rate that I employ) 76 – 108 BPM

Moderato (Considered as moderate speed but it’s faster than Andante) – 108 – 120 BPM.

Allegro (Quite fast) 120 – 168 BPM

Presto (Very fast) 168 – 200 BPM

Prestissimo (Super fast. Almost no one will ever play at this speed, not in popular music, anyway) 200+ BPM

As you can see from the tempo ranges I’ve laid out, each range has a specific quality, and it’s up to you to figure out what tempo you want.

However, a good rule of thumb is in between 90 and 120 beats per minute, although, truthfully, it doesn’t matter that much, because the tempo is just how fast the beats are counted.


That’s all on tempo for today. I hope it helped and you enjoyed it too. Do me a favor and share this on social media to help out all of your producer friends.


While most music compositions and arrangements you’re likely to work on will be written in just one time signature, you may well find yourself needing to handle two or more time signatures in the same piece of music.

It’s generally accepted that GarageBand, Apple’s free music creation software for the Mac, cannot do this for you.

GarageBand 10 will happily handle tempo and key transposition changes, as well as a host of other automation, but time signatures are not its bag.

The “Ignore It” Solution

One solution to this issue is to ignore the written time signature completely and simply compose and construct your music with the tempos and keys you require, keeping a mental note (and perhaps through naming and note taking) of where time signatures need to change.

A couple of issues immediately spring to mind with this approach:

1. Some Apple loops are designed to only work with particular time signatures – that is a 4/4 loop won’t work in 3/4. This isn’t a big problem if you don’t plan to use loops, or can otherwise work around it by only using loops for one time signature.

2. If you plan on using the musical notation feature to view your music, you may well run into problems as many of the bar/measure lines and note values will be out of place.

The MIDI Solution

While there is not (yet) any way to directly change the time signature part way through a song, there is a workaround which uses MIDI files.

For this, you will need some software which is:

  • capable of creating a musical structure with various time signature changes in it
  • able to export standard MIDI files

Because I do a lot of score editing in its own right, I use the excellent (and free) MuseScore 2. Not only can it produce top-grade printed music, but it’ll output straight to MIDI.

I’ll be using it for the first part of the tutorial, as it’s what I’m used to. If you use another software package, you’ll need to find out how to export the required MIDI file in your own format, and then skip to the GarageBand instructions further down.

Here we go.

In MuseScore:

1. Create a blank manuscript (Apple-N). You can skip the score information on the first screen so click “Next”.

2. Create a treble clef document – it’s all that’s needed.

3. If you want to put in the initial key and tempo you can do so, but as GarageBand can change those, it may not be worth it. Either click one or click “Next”.

4. Enter the main time signature of your piece. I’d recommend using whatever the majority of your musical score is composed it.

In MuseScore, the top number can be anything from 1-63 and the bottom (note value) number 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32 or 64.

Enter the number of bars (measures) your piece has. Although you don’t have to create every bar in MuseScore, you at least need enough bars to accommodate all the time signature changes.

Click “Finish”

5. Here’s the manuscript you’ve created.

On the left-hand side of the window, you’ll see some Palettes. (If you don’t, make them visible from the “View” menu.)

How To Change Metronome Tempo In Garageband Mac Download

Click open the Time Signatures palette.

Click the bar where you want the time signature to change, and then double-click the required time signature. Alternatively, drag and drop the required time signature to the required measure.

(Here I’ve got a 4/4 piece of music with 3/4 from bars 4 to 7 and 6/4 from bars 5 to 11).

If the time signature you want isn’t in the palette, you can create it from the master palette. Press Shift-T, click on Time Signatures, then add the time signature you require. Here I’m adding 7/4. Click on “Add”.

Now drag-and-drop this new time signature to where you want it. I’ve added 7/4 to bars 12-14.

Keep doing this until you have the structure required. Don’t forget to change back to the original time signature (if needed).

How To Change Metronome Tempo In Garageband Machine

You don’t need to add any notes – just the bar structure is adequate.

6. Click “File” and “Export” and then select “Standard MIDI File (*.mid)” from the drop-down file type menu. Give the file a name.

In GarageBand

7. Find the file, right click and select “Open with GarageBand”. (If this option isn’t available, you can open it directly in GarageBand from the file menu).

8. Your MIDI file should open in GarageBand. Look at the top timeline and you will see the time signatures and varying beat divisions exactly as created in the MIDI file.

You can now go ahead and create your music.

The only caveat is that (as far as I know) you can’t move time signatures around. You also can’t insert or delete blocks of time. So if you change your mind on the structure later, you’ll have to go back to your MIDI file creation software and redo the basic structure.

That said, if you already have a good idea of the structure of your song, this is a way of getting GarageBand to do what you want.

Garageband Metronome

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