How To Download Chemdraw


The licence allows you to download the software to your own computer (Windows or Mac). The version currently installed on University computers is ChemDraw 18. Training and support is provided by the Library. Locate the Chemdraw activation code via licence keys and file locations In the Activation key space, paste the key. Click Activate over Internet – see You have successfully activated this product dialog. Click OK – see ChemDraw open. Close ChemDraw, then re-open it – see ChemDraw open. Locate the Chemdraw activation code via licence keys and file locations In the Activation key space, paste the key. Click Activate over Internet – see You have successfully activated this product dialog. Click OK – see ChemDraw open. Close ChemDraw, then re-open it – see ChemDraw open.

for PC and Mac-OSX at the Weizmann Institute

Download and Installation Procedure in Brief

1) Set up Internet Explorer so Cambridgesoft is atrusted site. 2) Go to the authorization page in IE and enter your emailaddress. 3) Create a new userid and password, using your correct Weizmann emailaddress. 4) Use it to download the software, allow half-hour to an hour forthe download. 5) You should have received an email witha serial number (for Mac, 2 numbers). 6) Use them to fill out the form presentedwhen you start to install by double-clicking the installer. (On Mac, firstunpack the installer.) 7) The software expires at the end of February 2006.

System Requirements

The program runs on either Windows (preferably 2000 or XP) or Mac OSX, anyversion. You will need about 100 Mbyte of free space on your hard system disk,and the program itself takes about 45 Mbytes on Windows and 32 Mbytes on Mac. It will not run under Linux or Unix.

Apparently it is not necessary to remove old versions of ChemDraw or Chem3Dbefore installing, you can run the new version alongside the old. There are tworeasons why you would want to do this. First, if you have Chem3D, you probablywant the corresponding version of ChemDraw to be sure you can convert achemical diagram in the latter into Cartesian coordinates in the former.Second, the new software expires at the end of February 2006, while the oldversion probably has no expiration.

How To Download Chemdraw On Mac

Setting up Internet Explorer

On Windows, the software must be downloaded using Internet Explorer, and notany other browser. Due to recently serious security alerts of web siteviruses and spyware, users had been warned to set the highest security levelfor most web sites with Internet Explorer. Therefore you may need to specifyCambridgesoft as a trusted site before you can download the program.

1) Open Internet Explorer.

2) In the Tools menu, open Internet Options.

3) Click the 'Security' tab, and the 'Trusted Sites' icon-button, and the 'Sites' button, and add the following two sites.

4) Add:


Authorizing yourself and email address

Inside Internet Explorer, go to

On the left side, you should see the Weizmann Institute logo and tree,and on the right side, a place to insert your email address. You should enterhere your correct Weizmann email address. It must end Then press the 'Submit' button.If all goes well, you should enter a page called 'CambridgeSoft User AccountSystem'.

Creating a userid and password.

On the current web page, opposite 'I'm a New User', click the button'BECOME A MEMBER'. On the next page you will receive a form to fill in. Themost critical items to get right are your official Weizmann email addressand password. Do NOT type in again by copy and paste, but rather really typethese items in again. The reason is that you may make a mistake typing, andthe second typing serves to catch these mistakes. The next most critical itemsare the Institute, type 'Weizmann Institute', and Institution Type,select either 'Student' if a student, or 'Academic / Professor' if a staffmember. After you have filled in the entire form carefully, press the 'Submit'button at the bottom of the screen. (People with small screens may have toscroll down one or two times to show the entire page.)

Write down your userid and password is a safe place for future reference.

Downloading the Software

After your userid is authorized, you should find yourself back in the 'SiteLicence' page. Alternatively, you may have interrupted the authorization anddownload procedure, and now wish to return. If so, go to the web page listedunder 'Authorizing Yourself' above, re-enter your email address, and reaching the'CambridgeSoft User Account System' page. You then log in with your userid andpassword to get to the 'Site Licence' page.

At this point, you should see a link on the right hand side, 'Click Here toDownload Software', and click on it. It should take you to a web page called'CambridgeSoft Fulfillment System'. In the top half of the page are the linksto download the software for Windows, and in the bottom half, for Mac OSX.The first link is for the program installer, 32 Mbytes for Windows and 16Mbytes for Mac, allow up to 20 minutes to download. The second link is for themanual for all of ChemOffice in PDF format. It is a huge file, over 100 Mbytesis size, and requires 40-60 minutes to download. Most users probably don't needit.

As you are downloading the software, you should receive an email that listsyour serial number (two serial numbers for Mac). If for some reason you did notget this information, you can log back into your userid from the 'CambridgeSoftUser Account System' page, and in the next page you get, under 'ServiceInformation' toward the bottom of the page, select 'View Serial Numbers andExpiration Dates for your Downloads'. From the next page, it is apparently theserial numbers in the lower part of the page that you want to copy and keep arecord of. For the Windows version there is one number, and for Mac OSX, twonumbers. Be sure to log out of your userid.

Installing the Software

On MacIntosch, you will need to unstuff the installer using Stuffit Expanderbefore you can install. On either Mac or Windows, you should do theinstallation using your Administrator userid, so all users of the machine canuse it. To install, you simply double click the installer.

You will then be presented with a form to fill in, authorizing theinstallation. You enter your name, your same authorized email address used todownload the program, 'Weizmann Institute' under Institution, and finally yourserial number (on Mac, two numbers) exactly as they appear on the email orweb page above. If all goes well, the 'Install' button becomes active, allowingyou to continue installing the software. The default complete install isrecommended.


Chemdraw Ultra Download

Updated information as of Feb.2007.

Written by Dr. Clifford Felder, Dept. /dj-nkoh-zulu-love-letter-mp3-download.html. of Structural Biology, emailclifford.felder @, 21 March 2005.

This ChemDraw site license is on a trial basis for one year only. If youwould like the Weizmann to continue getting the license, please let Boris orAviva at the WICC know.

How To Download Chemdraw Purdue

Chem3D is not a very good molecular modelling program. Anyone needing a goodmodelling package should contact Dr. Felder at the above address and/or Prof.Joel Sussman. The remaining portions of Chem Office are not relevant for thevast majority of reseach being done at the Weizmann.

You will need to create n account on the CambridgeSoft site to be able to download and install ChemDraw Prime.

To create a new account, fill out the registration form here. When registering be sure to use your [NetID] email address.

You will be sent an email from with a link to set your password. The link sent to you is only valid for 3 hours. Once you have set your password you will be able to download ChemDraw Prime.

The activation code for ChemDraw Prime is available via the “Order History” link located in the left column of the Download Center.

Click the link under “Order Number” column for the version of Chemdraw you installed.

You can find the activation code under the “ActivationCode” column.

The activation code is valid for both Windows and Mac installations.

Contact or if you have any questions.